Newsletter, June 2018: disconnecting

In late April, I attended the Movement Exploration Retreat in Costa Rica for the second time. It was a wonderful experience, filled with movement, great people, nature, and a bit of work.

I arrived on Saturday, but it took me until Wednesday to fully relax and be in tune with my environment. Though I felt present during the movement sessions, the thrum of my to-do list in California prevented me from disengaging with my work life before then. However, once I finally finished the thing that was hanging over my head, I was able to embrace not doing anything work related, other than moving and learning.

It’s hard to disconnect. There is always something that can be done, a newsletter to write, a website to update, an e-mail to respond to… It is remarkably easy to create work when you are self-employed. 

However, disconnecting leads to a brief sense of calm. I was often without my phone while I walked the beach or ate lunch with my fellow attendees and, while I missed an incredible picture of an iguana, I felt more free than I had in a very long time. 

Be productive, but remember, balance is created when there are moments of no productivity. I came back more focused and with more enthusiasm for my work. The key to preventing burnout, I’ve been told, is to step away once in a while. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful June!

Yours in health and wellness,

Upcoming events:
World Virtual Posture Summit, May 24-27. I was invited to present on movement, along with several other movement people whose names you might recognize. The basic lectures are free. To register:

The Psychology of Mobility Training, May 26. A free online webinar. This 45 minute webinar will cover why mobility training can impact more than just the physical experience. We will discuss the impact increasing mobility has on proprioception and overall sense of self. We will also cover how to determine the appropriate mobility intervention for the individual in front of you. To register:

Unlocking the Power of the Hips through the Feet and Ankles Saturday June 2, 10:30-2:30, Carmel. $90 until 5/20; $100 after. Register here:

Unlocking the Power of the Hips through the Feet and Ankles Saturday, June 16, 1-5, Move-SF, San Francisco. $90 before June 1; $100 after. Register here:

Recommended reading:
I promise, this list will get back to its former glory next month (I haven’t been keeping very good track of the articles and books I have read lately). However, Walter Isaacson’s biography on Leonardo Da Vinci is wonderful. If you don’t want to read the 500+ pages, The Guardian gives a good overview here:



Weekly musings, 5/20/18: Fitness for a living versus fitness as a part of life


Weekly musings, 5/13/18: Change and posture